Monday, June 30, 2008

Lake Day...

Yesterday we decided to take Jadyn Cooper to the lake and try and teach her how to fish. She had a blast and so did we...My parents came up and went with us..Here are a few pictures from our day...


The Perry Family said...

So cute!! I love these pics!

RADstitches said...

I love to watch little ones fish... I kinda like to do it myself too!!! I don't care what size fish I catch.. as long as I catch SOMETHING!

RADstitches said...

Just today at lunch out of no where Dalton (who is 4) says.. I don't have a FISH POLE! I was like.. YOU DON'T!?!?! (thinking WHERE did that come from) She goes.. well I have a little bitty one in the shop but the ribbon on it is broke!